摘 要:作业疲劳是产生事故、导致生产效率下降的重要原因之一,研究作业疲劳对减少事故的发生,提高生产效率以及保护劳动者安全和健康具有重要意义。目前制造业企业的工效学问题比较突出,作业疲劳是其中的一个重要方面。在车间流水线岗位,作业疲劳问题十分严重,车间作业人员除了要完成必须的操控任务外,还要克服长时间站立、弯腰等不利姿势对身体的影响。该岗位的作业疲劳不仅会造成工作效率的下降,既可能导致人为差错事故,引起作业人员腿部、手臂、腰部等长期作业肌肉损伤的发生,多人疲劳作业还可能形成事故隐患。本研究以华硕电子厂车间为例,对流水线作业员工作业疲劳进行实地调研,利用观察、访谈、调查问卷的方法,掌握车间员工作业疲劳的情况并分析疲劳产生的原因。在此基础上,对制造企业改进流水线岗位的作业程序、作业安排和辅助道具的合理设计等方面提出改善方案,旨在减轻制造企业员工的作业疲劳,保护作业人员的职业安全健康。
ABSTRACT:Operating fatigue is one of the most important causes, which result in accidents and productivity impairment, so research on operating fatigue is very important to enhance production efficiency, reduce the occurrence of accidents, as well as the protection of workers’ safety and health. Present the ergonomics issues in manufacturing industries are very prominent, and operating fatigue is one important aspect. The operating fatigue problem is particularly serious on operational posts with assembly-line, in addition to the completion of the necessary control tasks, the operators must also overcome effects of the prolonged standing and bending on body. Operating fatigue on the job, will not only result in a decline in work efficiency, but also lead to human error accidents and personnel waist injuries from occurring, many people working with fatigue form the large hidden dangers. The study takes ASUS electronics factory workshop as a case, conducting field research of operating fatigue on pipeline operations staff by using observation interview and investigation questionnaire, mastering situation related to operating fatigue of employee in the workshop and analyzing the causes of operating fatigue. On this basis, improving programs will be put forward for operations system, job arrangements and secondary props aspects of reasonable designation and so on, which is aimed at reducing manufacturing employee operating fatigue and protecting occupational security health of operations staff.
Keywords: Operating fatigue; Ergonomics; Assembly-line; Security health