Abstract: Using the Expend Linear Expenditure System (ELES) and with the help of Eviews3.1 software,we do the empirical analysis of the marginal propensity of consumption ,income elasticity of demand and the basic demand related to the rural residents’ demand for transportation and communications on Jiangsu Province from 2003 to 2010,and obtain some suggestions to promote the rural residents’ demand for transportation and communications on Jiangsu Province, at the same time ,wo hope that this suggestions will be benefical to the rural economic development on Jiangsu Province.
Keywords: transportation and communications; ELES model; the marginal propensity of consumption; ,income elasticity of demand; the basic demand
一、 江苏农村居民交通通讯消费现状
二、 扩展线性支出系统(ELES)
1、 扩展线性支出系统(ELES)模型的构建
2、 扩展线性支出系统(ELES)模型的检验
三、 江苏农村居民交通通讯消费需求实证分析
1、 边际消费倾向和边际预算份额分析
2、 需求收入弹性
3、 基本需求支出分析
4、 需求价格分析
(1) 自价格弹性
(2) 互价格弹性
四、 结论与建议