关键词:消费环境 服务消费 城镇化
Abstract: The 30 years of reform and opening up, China's economic growth has always maintained a high growth rate, rapid economic growth has brought income and living standards steadily. As income level rise, people maintain the daily life of the material demand is satisfied, the consumption of town dweller focus began to increase the service consumer direction. In recent years, our country residents service consumption although growth is rapider, but because cardinal number is small, proportion also very low, so the residents service consumption is still very big development space of residential service consumption, at the same time in the rapid development also has many problems. This paper studies the dweller of our country town service consumption level the development stage and the status quo, analysis of our urban residents service consumption, the existing problems of the urban residents put forward the countermeasures of service consumption growth, and urban residents consumption level of service the future development of.
Key words: Consumption Environment; Service consumption; Urbanization