关键词:中小企业 财务目标 财务制度
Abstract: With China's rapid economic development, the SMEs is more and more important. However, due to the small-scale output, low capital and technological constitutes of the SMEs, and constrained by the traditional macroeconomic, impacted by large institutional and external factors , the SMEs did not make the existence of a market economy with its own development and were not suited to the situation in financial management. This paper discussed how to choose the objectives of financial management of the SMEs, Through analyzing and studying affects of the main factors, we identified the problems of financial management objectives of SMEs,and then find its appropriate financial management objectives. According to the importance of finance-related contacts on Financial Management, we choose the financial management objective, while, we put forward relevant requirements of the financial practice for SMEs, in order to provide a basis for the financial management practicing.
Key Words: SMEs(Small and Medium Enterprises) Financial Management Objectives Financial system