摘要:与传统的“平面媒体” “影像视频”媒体相比,网络媒体信息传播更加迅速,更加公开,透明。与网络信息传播相比,传统媒体信息的不对称性,信息控制力面临着巨大的挑战。新媒体时代危机公关处理面临新的挑战。本文通过对网络媒体特点的分析,在对网络媒体对信息的控制及信息对称性质分析的基础上,提出了网络时代企业处理公关危机问题的一些思考。在文献搜索和探索之下,总结可继承公关原则,并结合实例分析新时代企业有效运用网络媒体的新表现和新发展。
关键词:网络媒体 危机公关 有效运用
ABSTRACT:With the traditional “print media”, “image video” media the network media disseminates information more quickly, open and transparent. Compared with the network information dissemination, the traditional media faces enormous challenges in information asymmetry and information control. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of online media, information symmetry, and the control of information, the undergraduate thesis proposes some idea about handling public relations crisis in the Internet eras in China. With the help of the exploration in literature, self reflection supplemented, summarizes the principles of inheritable public relations. In addition, propse effective use of new performance and new developments in a new era of Internet media.
Key words:Network media Crisis Public Relations Information game