关键词:款准备金政策 政策效应 建议
ABSTRACT:Based on the phenomenon of the central bank adjust the deposit reserve rate eleven times recently in 2010, background, study was focused on the deposit reserve policy to minimize the negative impact on the macro-economy. Through analysis, we investigate the reasons of the central bank’s several times adjustment and the effect on the macro-economy. We find the factors which affecting the central bank's action are monetary excess liquidity, inflation and overheating in fixed assets investment. At the same time, we analyze the effect of raising the deposit-reserve ratio on Credit Scale, monetary supply, price level,commercial banks, and our ultimate result is that, despite the raising of deposit-reserve ratio brings economic cooling, but does not result in adjusted efficiency. That we must combine with other means to use the deposit reserve policy.
KEY WORDS: deposit-reserve policy effect of policy suggestion
本文主要围绕我国存款准备金制度的政策效应分析展开,拟分析的问题主要有: 1、存款准备金制度在我国的实践;2、我国频繁上调存款法定存款准备金率的原因3、2010年我国存款准备金政策的实施效应; 4、对我国存款准备金政策的建议。