[关键词]:人力资源管理 中小企业 人本管理 企业管理现状 对策分析 企业文化 绩效考核 人才选拔 培训 激励机制
[Abstract]: With the development of society, the competition between success and failure of will by the people's ability to lead, the human resources management of the status quo is not optimistic, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. In the financial capital, etc the obvious weaknesses of small and medium-sized enterprises should strengthen the human resources management and humanism management thoughts are deep in the enterprise culture with humanism to improve enterprise management of human capital, the human capital to improve enterprise competitiveness. The humanism transformation of the management review and the development of our small and medium-sized enterprises human resources management of the question of the analysis and policy analysis, humanism management will be small and medium-sized enterprises to improve management, improve enterprise power in the management and humanism the small and medium-sized enterprises in the real effective implementation.
[Keywords]: Human resources management Small and medium-sized enterprises Humanism management The status quo of enterprise management Policy analysis Enterprise culture Performance appraisal Personnel selection Training Inspire mechanism