摘 要: 随着美国Groupon团购网站的成功,引发了网络团购热。团购并不是新生事物,现今的网络团购给团购赋予了新的意义。网络团购属于电子商务的模式一种,它有着价格低廉、方便快捷、有个性化等特点吸引了大批客户。团购网站作为第三方网络平台,是商户和消费者之间的桥梁,本文通过对网络团购的概述,从网络团购定义到国内外团购网站发展状况作了简单介绍。着重阐述了目前国内团购网站存在的一些问题,比如市场细分问题、诚信问题、盈利问题、售后服务问题等,这些都限制着团购的发展;并尝试提出相应的解决问题的对策。
关键词: 团购网站 概述 问题 对策
Abstract: With the success of the United States Groupon buy site, causing the network buy hot. Customers is not new, and today's Internet Customers to Business given it a new meaning. C2B is a kind of the internet e-commerce model, and it has cheap, convenient and personal characteristics that have attracted a large number of customers. Buy third-party web site as a platform is a bridge between businesses and consumers. This paper has an overview of C2B,which is from Customers to Business definition to its domestic and international development briefly introduced. Focuses on the site currently buy some problems, such as market segmentation problem, credibility, profitability issues, service problems, which are limited by the development of buy; and try to propose appropriate solutions to this problem.
Key words: buy website; overview; problem; Strategy