摘要:在市场经济体制之下,企业之间的竞争越来越激烈, 企业之间的竞争归根结底是争取客户的竞争。顾客的忠诚是企业的生存之本,是企业的利润源泉。企业对顾客忠诚度的培养与提升直接关系到一个企业的地位与发展。企业制定的营销策略直接影响到企业的发展以及企业在行业中的地位,因此根据商场自身特征和目标人群的心理来进行经营定位,以各种营销手段来吸引消费者显得尤为重要
Abstract:Under the Market Economic System ,the competition between enterprises is becoming increasingly fierce. The competition is, after all, a competition for customers. Customer loyalty is the root for the development of any company. The marketing strategy a company adopts will directly affect the position it has in its industry. Therefore, it becomes especially important for targeting and attracting customers according to the characteristics of the shopping mall itself and the mood of the target group.
Key words: Shopping mall; Customer loyalty; Marketing strategy