关键词:民营中小企业; 融资渠道;信用担保;信贷体系
Abstract: Jiangsu capital at this stage private financing of SMEs is an international problem, resulting in difficult business financing are many reasons, the article on the difficulties in financing of private enterprises carried out the analysis of deep-seated, the financing situation of private small and medium enterprises, financing structure and financing of the main factors affecting the theoretical and empirical analysis then combined to address the problem of financing for SMEs the experience of developed countries, the analysis of the reasons for the difficulty of corporate finance from the perspective of financial market environment, financial institutions and the private SME behavior, combined with the private enterprise the financing needs of the characteristics and the actual situation of China's financial reform, the development of private finance is a realistic way to solve the problem of financing of private enterprise.
Keywords: Private small and medium enterprises; financing channels; credit guarantee; credit system
改革开放特别是党的十五大以来,我国的民营中小企业发展迅速,在国民经济和社会发展中的地位和作用日益增强。民营中小企业是推动国民经济发展,构造市场经济主体,促进社会稳定的基础力量。特别是当前,在确保国民经济适度增长、缓解就业压力、实现科教兴国、优化经济结构等方面,均发挥着越来越重要的作用。为此,正确指导民营中小企业改革,大力扶持各类中小企业发展,已成为当前一项刻不容缓的战略任务。 本文所得到的数据还是带有一定的片面性,作为实证分析的数据不够精确。需知解决中小企业融资问题是一项长期复杂的系统工程,要对中小企业融资的各个方面做专门的、深入的分析和研究,从而拓宽中小企业融资问题研究的深度和广度。