关键词:纺织服装业; 出口竞争力; 江苏省
Abstract:Textile and clothing products has been our export pillar industry, industry export dependence as high as 50%. With China's accession to WTO, Chinese traditional pillar industry a textile clothing industry has made rapid development and export scale expanding. Jiangsu Province China textile and clothing export as the important base, Jiangsu textile clothing industry has a very long history, Jiangsu Province economic construction and social development has played an important role. In textile and apparel trade into the "quota era" and international financial crisis continue to affect background, Jiangsu textile garment industry in great development in opportunities at the same time, the more faced a serious challenge. In the new situation, how to maintain and promote the industry's export competitiveness, Jiangsu Province and even the whole country of textile garment industry economy.
Key words:Textile and garment industry; Export competitiveness; Jiangsu Province