摘要: 2008年美国金融危机席卷全球,全世界的经济遭受了重创。由此金融衍生产品在当今金融危机产生时发生的作用也成了人们争论的焦点。2011年欧债危机的爆发再一次将对金融衍生产品的争论推向了高峰。众多经济学家的结论是:金融衍生产品是一把“双刃剑”。通过对美国金融危机的分析,研究了金融衍生产品风险的成因,提出了金融衍生产品风险监管的一些策略。
关键词: 金融衍生产品 ; 金融危机 ; 风险 ;监管 ;法律环境
Abstract: The 2008 U.S. financial crisis sweeping the globe, the world's economy has suffered heavy losses. Thus the role of financial derivative production today's financial crisis has become the focus of debate. The outbreak of the2011 debt crisis in Europe once again will have a debate to a peak of financial derivative products. Many economists concluded that: financial derivative products is a "double-edged sword". Analysis of the U.S. financial crisis, research the causes of the financial derivativesrisk, financial derivatives risk control strategy.
Keywords: financial derivatives financial risks and regulatory legal environment