关键词:后金融危机时代; 中小企业;机遇; 挑战
Abstract:The financial crisis brought great impact to the development of Guangdong province's economic, first hit of this is the Guangdong's small-and-medium-sized enterprises ,which is large number, low profit and weak. The economy walked out from the breakdown rim at present, the bad situation that the financial crisis broke down the economy is underling control. The age has been already come that the global economy start growing, namely that the world is entering to the past financial crisis age. The characteristics of global economic and Guangdong's medium and small enterprises decide that the past financial crisis age is an unprecedented challenge to the Guangdong's enterprises, especially the medium and small enterprises. But it also bring the opportunity for the medium and small enterprises to develop and transform. At this key time, the medium and small enterprises in Guangdong have to tightly grabbing the opportunity to develop , actively should to the challenge. Only so, the medium and small enterprises in Guangdong can come out from the haze of financial crisis and develop and strengthen.
Key words: Small-and-medium-sized enterprises;Financial crisis;The past financial crisis age