关键词 知识员工 非货币薪酬 心理契约
Abstract: In the age of knowledge-based economy, knowledge workers, as the main value creator of the times, have become the very important human capital for enterprises to survive and develop. As management master Peter Drucker once said, “The management of knowledge workers has become one of the most challenging tasks in the 21th century.” However, their work and psychological character are more flexible and complicated than the general employees, so how to inspire them effectively in order to achieve a win-win situation for both the employees and organization has become an urgent issue in human resource management.
Since the effect of monetary compensation motivation is diminishing and short-sighted, while the effect of non-monetary compensation motivation is much more far-reaching and can satisfy the inner high-level expectations of the knowledge worker, which contributes to the establishment of psychological contract between knowledge worker and organization. From the view of psychological contract, this thesis makes an overall plan on non-monetary compensation motivation of Chinese knowledge workers, including building the incentive model and giving suggestions, which are based on previous motivation theory research and the analysis of the present motivation mechanism of knowledge workers. Hope to improve their positivity and creativity deeply inside, enhance their sense of belonging and responsibility and establish a better employee-organization relationship in the long run.
KEYWORDS Knowledge Worker,Non-monetary Compensation , Psychological Contract