关键词:中美贸易关系 贸易摩擦 贸易失衡 知识产权 市场经济
ABSTRACT:China and USA as the two largest economic entity in the world, are second-largest trading partners to each other. The economic and trade relations between the two countries also have much impact on the world. Although the China-USA economic and trade relations are developing, but also with many problems. Trade imbalance have been existed. How to properly deal with China-USA trade friction has become the first premise of better cooperation of China and the USA.
This needs us analysis the history and present of China-USA trade.Finding out the problems and reasons of China-USA trade and putting forward opinoins and solutions,make the relation of China-USA trade develop peacefully.
Now for the moment,At the same time in the continuous development of China-USA trade relation,the bilateral trade conflict is also increasing.On the one hand,China and USA are increasing investment in the bilateral trade.On the other hand,due to the trade imbalance and trade protectionism caused more and more trade friction.Mainly show us are trade imbalances,the yuan's exchange rate,Dumping and anti-dumping,intellectual property disputes and so on.To solve these problems, at first, to get approval of China's market economic system in the United States,the second is to increase investment of USA,and then improve the protection of intellectual property rights system,finally through friendly negotiation,reach a consensus to optimize bilateral relation.
Keywords:China-USA trade relation;trade conflict;trade imbalance;intellectual property;market economy