关键词:服务贸易 主要问题 发展对策
ABSTRACT:With the deepening of world economic globalization and revolution of science and technology, the development of service trade level in the importance of national economic competitiveness is growing. Development of service trade is beneficial to optimize the industrial structure and promoting economic development, to improve labor productivity and the level of employment in China, which is beneficial to enhance China's comprehensive national strength. Since reform and opening up of trade in services obtained fast development, the importance of enhancing the national economy. At present, China's service trade development level is lower than other industries; lag behind the western developed countries at the same time. China's service trade is at the early stage of development and many important problems need to be solved; only to find out the basic countermeasures to solve the problem and effective implementation can truly improve the level of China's service trade development.
Key words: service trade; main problem; development countermeasures