关键词 医药产业;经济发展;创新
Abstract:With China's economic development and constantly improve the level of emerging industry, the pharmaceutical industry as a traditional industry and modern industry combination, its position in the national economy is becoming more and more important, has become one of the most important industry in the national economy. The pharmaceutical industry as a pillar industry of Taizhou , the Taizhou pharmaceutical group effects, making China Medical City in Taizhou. The pharmaceutical industry has been booming, but also for the economic development of Taizhou has made a tremendous role in promoting.
This paper analyses the development of pharmaceutical industry in Taizhou, the correlation analysis of the pharmaceutical industry and Taizhou economy, in addition to the development of Taizhou medicine industry in question, and solve the problem and put forward the countermeasures and suggestions in the end in order to improve the development of Taizhou medicine industry to national economic and social contribution level, and attract more attention on Taizhou pharmaceutical industry.
Keywords pharmaceutical industry economic development innovation
坐落于长江三角洲的滨江工贸新城——泰州,有着中国医药城的称号,建有中国当前唯一的一家国家级医药高新区,正努力向“中国第一、世界有名”奋斗目标前进。其中最有名的当属泰州的扬子江药业集团,30年前它还只是一个作坊式小厂,现在已经发展成了中国最大的中成药提取生产基地,综合效益连续数年在全国6000多家医药企业中名列三甲。泰州近年来经济发展迅速,医药业更是蒸蒸日上,在长三角乃至全国独具特色, 市场发展迅速,作为医药高新区,相信泰州经济发展与医药业发展有一定的关系,本文就此具体分析医药业对泰州经济发展的影响,发掘泰州医药业在发展过程中存在的问题并提出促进医药业发展的建议。