关键词 民营企业;小城镇化建设;发展影响
Abstract:The development of private enterprises since the reform and opening up after a long process that gradually formed today's pattern, although there are still many problems and shortcomings, but the private economy has become an important part of the national economy, its importance can not be ignored. Small cities and towns of the road in China is a critical moment, the development of private enterprises, strong size urban economy and county economy, the construction of small cities and towns of the private enterprises to play their own advantages to achieve a new socialist countryside is a profound analysis on the situation of our country, the development of private enterprises is of significance and important influence on the construction of small cities and towns.
In this paper, through the investigation and study to the Jiangsu province Baoying County as an example, analyzes the present situation of small towns and the development process of the characteristics of private enterprises, summarizes the private enterprise positive effects on the construction of small towns and the negative influence, as well as the small cities and towns of the better construction countermeasure and the suggestion, conclusion.
Keywords Private enterprises The construction of small cities and towns Development effect