关键词 国际经济形式;轻纺城;绍兴;出口贸易
Abstract:In recent years, the world economy slow down the momentum of rapid growth , maintained a steady growth, but growth has slowed. Multi-polarization and globalization process further development of the structural imbalances of the world economy. As the representative of trade friction international economic friction upward trend in many industries in China has been a serious impact in today's international form of the Chinese textile industry has also been a certain influence.: Zhejiang Shaoxing textile industrial cluster based on market-oriented, Marshall endogenous industrial clusters, with a clear competitive advantage. In this paper, research on the development path of the current international form of Shaoxing Textile City to study the existing problems in the course of its development , and combined with the related issues of strategic decision making Shaoxing Textile City in the current fierce international economic form under the trend continues, there will be some impact and learn from other enterprise.
Keywords International economic situation Textile City Shaoxing export trade