摘要: 随着社会经济的飞速发展,食品配送中心作为食品等行业的物流配送的主要基础设施,己成为今后一段时期内我国食品行业物流设施发展的重要方向。而食品配送系统建设,是食品配送流程设计、计划、执行和控制好坏的关键,是零售企业降低成本、获取竞争优势、获得经营利润与满足顾客需要的关键。食品配送系统在发达国家已有50余年的历史,连锁经营已有100多年的历史,形成了较为完善和规范的配送、销售系统,成为社会生活不可缺少的组成部分。因此,如何规范食品配送系统以及食品配送系统建设及采取相应的对策是值得我们认真研究的问题。
关键字:食品配送系统 解决对策 食品安全
Abstract:With the rapid development of social economy, food distribution center as food industries such as logistics and distribution has become the major infrastructure, henceforth inside a paragraph of period industry of our country food is an important developing direction of logistics facilities. While the food distribution system construction, is the food distribution process design, planning, implementation and control of the key, the retail enterprises to reduce costs, gain competitive advantage, obtain operating profits and meet the needs of customers is the key. Food distribution system in the developed countries has a history of 50 years, chain operation has been 100 years of history, has formed the more perfect and standardize the distribution, sales system, has become an indispensable part of social life. Therefore, how to regulate the food distribution system as well as the food distribution system construction and take the corresponding countermeasure is worth us to study seriously the problem.
Keywords: Food Distribution System Countermeasures Food Safety