摘要:本文以南京江宁大学生消费群体为研究对象 ,通过访谈和问卷调查的方式 ,对大学生服装消费态度进行调研 。依据调研结果,采用因子分析和聚类分析的方法 ,将大学生细分为4个消费族群 ,并分析了各族群在服装消费态度上的特点:节俭型重视实惠 ;时尚型重视时尚和品牌 ;实用型重视实用和质量 ;经济型重视性价比 ,既要时尚也要实惠 。
关键词:大学生 服装 消费态度 营销策略
Abstract: This paper Jiangning students to study consumer groups, through interviews and questionnaire survey of attitudes of college students research clothing consumption. According to survey results, using factor analysis and cluster analysis methods, the students divided into four consumer groups, and analyzes the various ethnic groups in the clothing consumer attitude features: emphasis on thrift-type benefits; fashion model fashion and brand importance; practical Type and quality of practical importance; economic importance value for money, not only to fashion but also affordable.
Key words: college students; clothing; consumer attitudes; marketing strategy