关键词:光伏产业 质量认证 品牌培育
Abstract :The human face of energy and environmental problems, governments are actively formulating strategic support renewable energy, especially the development of solar energy. China is the biggest energy consuming nations but conventional energy reserves is limited, solar abundant reserves and huge market potential applications, and photovoltaic products relying on technology progress and market promotion will make the cost down to compete with conventional energy, so the level of China will be essential to the photovoltaic industry developed into China pillar industries, will develop our photovoltaic energy strategic energy, will China become pv industry superpower. This paper firstly photovoltaic industry of China history, present situation made simple conclusion review and analysis, China to achieve the strategic target of photovoltaic industry powers, need for domestic pv industry characteristics and existing problems integrity competition strategy formulated. Depends on technology progress and scale, acquisition cost advantage. At the same time, we should formulate photovoltaic energy support, training talents, applied policy of quality test certification system, the brand cultivation mechanism, obtains the quality, brand, technology and cost aspects of the core competitive advantage.
Keywords: PV industry; Quality authentication; Brand cultiv