摘要:进入21世纪以来,全球贸易竞争的重点正从货物贸易转向服务贸易。服务产业在国内生产总值中的比重迅速上升是世界经济的服务化趋势的表现,随着其结构的日益高度化,技术与知识含量高的生产性服务所占比重越来越大 。中国加入WTO之后,在《服务贸易总协定》框架下,服务市场的加速开放,提升中国服务贸易竞争力极为迫切。近年来,我国服务贸易发展迅速,但仍存在一定问题,主要表现为:服务贸易长期逆差,国际竞争力差;服务贸易内部结构不合理;服务业整体开放程度较低;服务贸易立法不够健全;服务贸易专业人才缺乏。应对国际服务贸易新变化,需采取如下对策:立足比较优势,提升我国服务贸易的国际竞争力;健全服务贸易相关法律体系;在重视发展传统服务业的同时大力发展现代服务业;扩大开放的同时要注意适度保护;加强服务贸易人才培养工作。如果我国能在服务贸易上赢得先机和主动,那么在未来的全球经济竞争中就可以取得优势。
关键词:服务贸易 比较优势 国家竞争战略 人力资本
Abstract: Since entering the 21 century, the point of global trade competition has shifted form trade in goods to trade in service. The service trend is displayed by the high proportion of service industry in GDP. With the more and more complicated structure, the proportion of productive service full of technology and knowledge is larger and larger. After China entered WTO, under the General Agreements on Trade of Service, service market has opened quickly, and then to strengthen our competitiveness in international trade of service is extremely anxious. The trade in service has developed to some extent recently, but there still exist problems. For example, unfavorable trade balance, international poorer competition ability, professionals wanted, fragmentary regulations and policies on trade in service and so on. Face these problems, we should adopt measures as follows: strengthen our competitiveness in international trade of service, establish a sound legal system, develop the modern service industry, protect appropriately, strengthen school talent education works and so on. If we can win the priority and initiative in service trade, we will gain an advantage in the global economic competition.
Keywords: comparative advantage country competition strategic human capital