[摘要] 旅游业是常州市新兴的文化性经济产业。近年来,通过创新发展和务实推进,常州已成长为江苏旅游大市,逐步成为受中外游客青睐的旅游目的地。电子商务的迅猛发展为常州市旅游业的发展提供了机遇和挑战。本文通过对常州市旅游电子商务发展现状的调查,从旅游机构和企业及消费者(游客)两方面入手,对制约常州市旅游电子商务发展的主要问题进行了分析。同时从旅游企业和机构、政府及旅游主管部门两方面提出对策,从而对常州市旅游电子商务面临的困境找出出路。
[关键词] 常州市; 旅游电子商务; 困境及出路
[Abstract] Tourism is the emerging cultural and economic industry of Changzhou City. In recent years,through innovative development and pragmatic advancing, Changzhou City has grown into a big tourist city in Jiangsu Province, and gradually become a tourist destination favored by Chinese and foreign tourists. The rapid development of e-commerce provides opportunities and challenges for the development of the tourism industry in Changzhou.This article, through the investigation of the status quo of tourism e-commerce development in Changzhou City, starting from the two aspects of the tourism agencies and businesses and consumers (tourists), analyzes the main problems restricting the tourism e-commerce development in Changzhou. At the same time, from two aspects of the tourism enterprises and institutions, government and tourism department, this article proposes solutions to the difficulties faced by the Changzhou tourism e-commerce to find a way out.
[Key words] Changzhou City; Tourism e-commerce; Difficulties and Solutions;
旅游电子商务,是指以网络为主体,以旅游信息库、电子化商务银行为基础,利用电子手段运作旅游业及其分销系统的商务体系。它集合了客户心理学、消费者心理学、商户心理学、计算机网络等多门学科,具有营运成本低、用户范围广、无时空限制以及能同用户直接交流等特点,提供了更加个性化、人性化的服务。[ 概念来自《旅游电子商务》 章牧 中国水利水电出版社]未来旅游业的发展方向在于广泛开展旅游电子商务活动。