关键词:风电产业; 东北地区; 风能资源; 风电场
Abstract: Along with our country economy warms up continuously, coal, petroleum and other non-renewable energy shortage precious, environment more and more pressure. Wind energy as a clean and renewable energy, more and more attention all over the world. In recent years, China's wind power industry scale was continued explosive growth. The northeast region as China's important industrial base, is also very rich in wind energy resources. The northeast wind energy reserves, exploitation and utilization value and the present situation and the existing problems were analyzed, and the prospect of wind power industry development trend. Research shows, northeast wind energy resources development and utilization value, wind power industry development is rapid, but the wind farm construction dimensions slants small, large wind generator homemade low degree. According to the wind power industry in northeast area development, put forward to make scientific planning, expansion of wind power installed capacity, with a plurality of investment to promote the northeast wind power industry to achieve leapfrog development and relevant suggestions
Key words: wind power industry; northeast area; wind energy; wind farm
东北地区面积广大,是我国陆上风能资源最丰富的三大区域之一;风电可开发条件较好,风电潜力巨大,整个东北地区可开发风电潜能超过3000 万千瓦。
目前,东北地区风电发展最为迅猛,已成为全国风电发展最快区域。近年来,东北电网所覆盖的东北地区(含内蒙古东部地区),成为我国风电发展最快的地区。2004 年,该地区风电装机容量仅为24 万千瓦,到2008 年底,即达298 万千瓦。2008 年,全国并网风电装机容量为894 万千瓦,东北区域风电装机容量占全国风电装机总量的1/3 还强。国家电监会东北监管局发布的报告显示,截至2011年上半年底风电装机容量达1331万千瓦,位居全国第一。