关键词:周庄 休闲度假旅游 创新研究 文化客栈群
Abstract:Zhouzhuang as the " first water village of Jiangnan ", has been dominated by sightseeing tour,After experiencing its prime - time, it couldn’t meet the tourists’ increasingly demand of participative, leisure tourist product, and it’s products are similar to the tourism elements nearby. It is facing a siege of the alternative tourism products around..This article is based on the background of the ancient town. It raises a new form of leisure which is significant to Zhouzhuang of it’s connotation of tourism products, scenic spot development and innovation, extends, improve the quality of visitor experience.
Key words: zhouzhuang Leisure tourism Research on innovation culture inn groups
江南古镇是一种独特的、以水为媒介形成的网络区域体系。以其特色的建筑、古朴的民风和深厚的人文历史和宁静的环境而受到现代人的青睐。而周庄作为江南古镇的典型代表,是游客古镇游的首选地,作为中国古镇旅游发展的先驱,吸引着越来越多的游客,但是仍是以纯观光旅游为主, 在激烈的市场竞争中正逐渐丧失原有的优势地位,其静态的观光活动已不能适应旅游者日趋倾向于参与型、休闲度假型等旅游产品的需求。长此以往,周庄将失去其原有的旅游竞争力,将周庄从传统的观光型旅游转型成为休闲度假型旅游,迫在眉睫。本文将结合周庄发展现状,从休闲度假的角度提出几个具体改进措施。