关键词:服务贸易 经济增长 资本积累 技术进步 制度变迁
Abstract:This paper aims to analyze the influencing mechanism of service trade and economic growth. Service trade is not the direct explanatory variable of economic growth, but it can influence growth via capital accumulation, technology progress and institutional change. By estimating the correlativity between the growth rate of service import and GDP growth, and the one between the rate of service export growth and GDP growth, we can testify the proposition that service trade promotes economic growth. And the conclusions are that the relationship between the growth rate of service trade and GDP growth is positive and the contribution of service import growth to economic growth is greater than that of service export growth. Then we make an analysis of the influencing mechanism of service trade and economic growth by modeling. The results obtained from the regressions by Eviews6.0 show that physical capital accumulation, human capital accumulation, employment, technology progress and institutional change can all influence economic growth, and service trade can have a positive effect on GDP growth via the five channels.
Key words: Trade in Service Economic Growth Capital Accumulation Technology Progress Institutional Change