关键词:我国 信用卡 信用风险
Abstract:With the continuous development of the credit card business, the risk issues are also increasingly apparent. In China, the commerical banks simply pursue the extensive amount of business model and it made the credit risk of credit card gathered, which leads to the fact that the commercial banks are faced the conflict between the credit risk control and business expansion. So how to control and manage credit risk credit card issuers will be one of the important factors to ensure sound operation of the issuing banks.
Beginning with the current situation of the development of credit card, it conducts systematic analysis on the credit risk of credit card. Then considering the causes of the credit risk of credit card and identifying the problems in the management process. At the end of the essay, according to a number of policy recommendations , the author gives some views and comments on the credit risk management of the credit card.
Key Words: China, Credit card, Credit risk
我国信用卡市场虽然已经初见雏形,但综合考虑市场规模、网络建设和法律法规等方面,可以说我国信用卡市场还处于新兴市场形成期向成长期过渡的阶段,还处于其发展的初级阶段。这也是我国信用卡市场暂时没有出现危机的主要原因。某位银监会高层指出,在导致信用卡风险快速扩散的原因中, “信用卡业务扩张速度与银行风险管理水平不相匹配”位列第一。提高我国商业银行信用卡风险管理水平,增强自身抵御风险能力和获利能力,已成为我国商业银行赢得信用卡市场的当务之急。