摘要:国家“十二五”规划指出,经济结构的优化调整将成为“十二五”我国经济发展战略的重要主线,产业结构优化升级问题已引起了政府和学术界的高度瞩目。可以说,区域经济实力从根本上说是由其产业结构决定的,产业结构优化升级可以促进资源的有效配置, 也是促进区域经济发展的关键。
三十多年来, 昆山走出了一条依靠外向型经济带动整个区域经济发展的“昆山之路”。昆山从一个经济落后、对外封闭、产业结构单一的农业小县,一步步发展成为开放型经济发展成功的新型工商城市。在这个过程中,昆山在产业转移、升级上的成功是很关键的积极促进因素。
关键词: 产业优化升级 昆山 借鉴意义
Abstract:State "Twelve Five" plan that the optimal adjustment of economic structure will be the "second five" important economic development strategy, the main line of the industrial structure optimization and upgrading issue has caused a great deal of attention in government and academia. Can be said that regional economic strength is basically determined by its industrial structure, upgrade the industrial structure can promote the efficient allocation of resources is the key to promoting regional economic development.
For over thirty years, Kunshan has undertaken a unique path called “the road of Kunshan” which relies on the open-oriented economy to promote the economic development of the whole region. Kunshan from a backward economy, closed to the outside, the industrial structure of small single agricultural county, a step by step develop into the successful development of an open economy New industrial and commercial city. In the process, transfer of Kunshan in the industry, upgrading of success is critical to actively contributing factor.
In this paper, previous studies based on the theory of industrial optimization, combined with "Kunshan Road " success stories, focusing on analysis of industrial restructuring in Kunshan effective way to summarize the successful experience.
Keywords: Industrial upgrading Kunshan Reference