Abstract:Inflation was the world economic development with the bottleneck problems. Since world war ii, the world have been a different levels of the problem of inflation. In developed countries in the 1980s, a question of developing country debt crisis is more prominent, the problem of inflation. Since reform and opening up, our country has also encountered more than the inflation problem, particularly in recent years, in economic globalization and open our country and conditions of our economy and world economic interaction closer to the country's resources, we depend on rising. Especially since 2007, the CPI index of prices and wages and rising constantly, stock and real estate prices are high oil of a commodity, is that inflation is the type of input.
On the type definition of inflation, the reason and research and analysis form to enter the inflation figure for the impact of china and the world to know the problem of inflation and doctrine, to learn. Based on the preventive and response to the type of solution to inflation, and the world of the inflationary policy reasonable for use in our actual inflation, to achieve stable prices and improve trade balance and alleviating the escalating inflationary pressures purposes. The continuing concern of inflation is contacted with the major index in the implementation of the financial policies effect on consumer index of the view of the pros and cons of various policies and their relationship.
Of china's specific conditions and in reform, opening-up and economic globalization in the particularity of china's position, we should deepen the nature of the dangers of inflation, the role of macroeconomic. The development process is against inflation, while the economy own stable and sustainable development.
Keywords: The type of inflation , governance experiences , revelations.
一国经济体制的完善,管理体制的健全可以防范或减少输入型通货膨胀带来的不良后果。世界各国包括发达国家、发展中国家、和欠发达国家,都会受到通货膨胀的影响。这是全球性的问题。只有有效防范和化解输入型通货膨胀带来的风险,才能减少通话膨胀对我国经济带来的消极影响。呼吁有实力的大国履行大国责任, 共同治理通货膨胀,促进国际关系的和谐发展。