摘要:随着我国改革开放的不断深化,被有利的投资环境和低廉的劳动力成本所吸引,越来越多的外资企业开始进驻国内。外资企业在管理方式、企业文化、培训机制上与本土企业存在较大区别,这也成为了外资企业在吸引人才方面的一大优势。在高速发展的信息化时代,市场的争夺本质上是人才的竞争,对应地,现代企业对人才的综合素质提出了更高的要求。因此,持续地学习和培训就成为了企业提高竞争力的必备武器。只有持续不断地学习和培训,员工的素质和技能才能与高速发展的市场经济相匹配,企业才能 获得源源不断的竞争力。
本文以中外企业培训机制的异同点为研究视角,首先研究了国内外培训理论综述,概括了中外培训理论研究现状,并总结了各自存在的异同点,从培训的目的、原则、方法、内容、培训体制等方面着手剖析培训的各个模板。其次,结合中外企业人力资源管理现状的实地调研研究,从培训内容的侧重点、培训方式、培训效果评估和员工满意度等方面进行对比分析,分析了中外企业在培训体制上的差异,同时引用企业案例验证实地调研的结果。后,通过理论、数据、案例三方面综合总结我国企业员工培训体制上存在的问题,在此基础上分析影响中外企业培训体制差异的原因,总结出影响本土企业 培训体制的障碍因素,并提出改善意见。
ABSTRACT:With the deepening of China's reform and opening up, a favorable investment environment and low labor costs attract more and more foreign companies to station in the domestic. For foreign-funded enterprises and local enterprises, there is a big difference in management, corporate culture, training mechanism. It has also become a major advantage of foreign-funded enterprises in attracting talent. At the rapid development of the information age, the nature of the market competition is the talent competition. Correspondingly, modern enterprises put forward higher requirements on the overall quality of talent. Therefore, continuous learning and training has become an essential weapon for enterprises to improve competitiveness. As only through continuous learning and training, the quality and skills of staff can match up with the rapid development of market economy, and therefore enterprises only can obtain a steady stream of competitiveness.
This thesis focuses on the similarities and differences of the present training status between foreign-funded enterprises in China and local enterprises, comparing and analyzing the similarities and differences of the scholars’ theory from various countries. This thesis also analyzes the training terms from the purposes, principles, methods, contents and systems of training. Secondly, combined with field survey about Human Resource Management of foreign and local enterprises, it analyzes the differences of Chinese and foreign enterprises on the training system from the focus of the training content, training methods, training effectiveness assessment and employee satisfaction and quotes business case to verify the results of field research. Finally, according to theory, field research and business cases, it summaries the existing problems on the corporate staff training system in China, analyzes the reasons for the differences, sums up obstacles which impact the development of local enterprises’ training system, and puts forward some advices to improve.
Keywords: Chinese and foreign enterprises; Employer training; Training system
随着市场经济的逐渐发展,人力资源作为一种新型的战略资源开始显现出其独特的重 要性,越来越多的企业开始将人力资源管理的地位提升到战略管理的高度。而人力资源培 训与开发是人力资源管理中最重要的一项职能,越来越多的企业开始逐渐加大对人力资源 培训的投资,并将其上升到战略发展的高度。随着中国改革开放的不断深入和全球化的高 速发展,越来越多的外国企业开始进驻中国,其完善的管理机制和人力资源体系逐渐显示 出优于本土企业的竞争力。
近年来,我国企业在人力资源管理上虽然也已经取得了一些成就,如百度、腾讯等本 土企业已经建立了相对完善的培训体系,其完善的培训机制也吸引了国内外众多人才。
但是从整体来看,本土企业在培训体制上还是存在一些问题,如培训意识不强烈、培 训观点存在误区、培训资金严重不足、培训方法单一、培训内容不够全面、培训效果差、 培训机制不完善等。因此,研究中外企业培训体制的异同点具有十分重要的意义。