ABSTRACT:In recent years, online group-buying as a new kind of e-business models has been developing rapidly. Although compared with 2011 and 2012, when there is fierce competition in thousands of group-buying websites, the number of group-buying websites grows slowly in 2013. It is noteworthy that there is a significant upward trend of market concentration showed in this year. However, it is still presented a higher rate of consumer complaints, as well as a lot of the problems in group-buying industry. According to the concept, essence, characteristics, and overseas and domestic research status of online group-buying, this research explores the characteristics of the consumers and factors which affect consumer buying behavior from the perspective of Marketing and Consumer Behavior Theory. In addition, this study is based on the theory of planned behavior, cognitive value and the characteristics of online group-buying. It showed the four main factors which influence consumers’ behavior. They are perceived low-cost, perceived efficient, Electronic word-of-Mouth, and perceived risk. Finally, according to the above, the writer give some suggests about how to increase brand reputation, lower consumer perceived risk, improve consumers' purchase intentions and satisfaction.
Keywords: Online group-buying; Consumer behavior; Perceived low-cost
基于团购模式下消费者行为影响因素研究具体的研究思路如下: 通过大量文献阅读,以及市场调查,笔者首先从性别、年龄以及职业探究我国消费者群体的特征。然后,根据市场营销学中的顾客价值理论,和消费者行为学中的消费者的购买决策理论为理论依据,得出消费者在购买过程中的决策与感知成本有关,消费者的感知成本越低,则对商品的感知价值越高,消费者的购买意向越高。再根据实际的市场调查数据对该理论进行实证。由于网络团购是消费形式更加快捷方便,感知高效也是影响消费者选择网络团购的一个因素。此外,在虚拟的网络环境下,消费者不能直接接触到商品,只能通过网站上对商品的描述和已体验过该商品的消费者的反馈信息和评价来判断商品的质量。因此,网络口碑也影响着消费者的选择,即网络口碑也是研究的一个维度,网络口碑越好,消费者选择购买该商品的几率越大。然而,虚拟环境给消费者带来感知风险,括购买风险、财务风险、个人信息泄露风险等,这都将对消费者的购买决策产生影响。通过对团购模式下消费者行为影响因素的模型的建立,针对各个因素提出对我国团购市场发展的建议。