关键词:高新技术产品 结构调整 自主创新 贸易摩擦
ABSTRACT:With updating and developing of modern science and technology continues, high-tech products trade has become a modern international economic and trade growth in the core of high-tech products export of foreign trade in the world's rising status. Based on the world of high-tech industry development full attention, high-tech industry has become a national competition for a strategic high point. Therefore, countries for high-tech products export trade and trade barriers are constantly changing. Of course, China is faced with the situation is the same. In recent years, China's high-tech exports increased rapidly, the scale is also expanding, in stimulating China's national economy and foreign trade has achieved good results. In order to promote China's high-tech exports in the long term, on China's high-tech exports to restructure and strengthen China's own brand innovation, to develop a more comprehensive import and export regulations and intellectual property regulations, reduce trade friction is the most critical in order to better develop our high-tech products export trade.
Keywords: High-tech products; Structural adjustment;independent innovation;Trade friction
由于世界经济全球化的发展格局,我国已经进入了一个新的贸易发展体制。我国高新技术产品出口也面临着新的挑战和机遇。不得不说,我国现在面临着比较严峻的外部贸易环境和内部压力:1.由于08年的全球金融危机,导致世界经济低速增长,全球贸易增速回落,高新技术产品出口增长面临下行压力;2.我国国内劳动力成本上升,加剧了企业融资难度,出口企业利润受到挤压,高新技术产品出口供给动力不足。然而,在全球化发展越来越深化的同时,国家间的贸易发展也同时进入了新一轮的改革发展,给高新技术产品出口贸易增加了更好的发挥平台:1.全球高新技术产业格局调整,创新驱动特征更趋明显;2发展中经济体地位明显提升;3.国家加大了政府扶持力度;4.新的比较优势逐渐形成,传统比较优势正在减弱。在如此大好的前提下,我们应该改积极发展我国高新及技术产业,完善出口结构,加强出口体制建立,大力发展民营企业的出口,培育大型企业成为加大国际竞争力的载体,建立自主核心技术,政府应加强对高新技术产业的扶持,完善国家相应法典, 实施优惠的税收和信贷政策并加强与各国政府就贸易保护条例的沟通,企业应积极拓展融资渠道,加大资金投入和相关人员的利益激励, 注重高新技术人才培养争取一举进入国际销售市场。