关键词:倾销 反倾销 倾销的影响 反倾销措施
ABSTRACT:Nowadays, with the rapid development of economy, the international trade competition is increasingly fierce. China’s economy develops more and more fast after the reform and opening up, its economic strength is becoming more powerful with the increasing export commodities, and the relationship of trade between the countries is much closer. European and American developed countries implement trade protectionism policy to protect their market advantages, the domestic market, and also to protect the country’s economic development. After China accessing to WTO, which makes it has become one of the most country to carry out world’s foreign anti-dumping. In this extreme misery international market, the purpose of this research is China should be how to deal with the dumping. After analysing the cause of the dumping and anti-dumping, we will summarize the existing problems, and then puts forward the countermeasures. In order to make China’s economy to develop steadily, it will not only build a better international market environment for China’s import and export trade, but also strengthen our own coping capacity to face the complexly changing market environment.
This article based on the data of European and American countries dumping in China for many years, combined with the typical dumping case to analyse the main industries which European and American countries dumping to China, and what has caused the negative effect. Then according to the specific industries to put forward the countermeasures.
Keywords: Dumping ; Anti-dumping ; The influence of dumping ; Anti-dumping measures
随着我国进一步履行加入WTO 的承诺,国内市场将更加开放,市场竞争会更加激烈。面对外国商品对中国的倾销行为,国内企业已懂得拿起反倾销武器,保护自己的利益。但我国对外反倾销还处于起步阶段,存在许多问题。因此,政府、企业和行业协会都应该建立起反倾销体系,以提升我国对外反倾销能力。但我们也应该看到,反倾销作为进口贸易救济措施,并不是落后的保护伞。企业只有不断改革、发展、创新,提高产品的国际竞争力才是生存之道,才能确保我国产业在国际竞争中立于不败之地。因此,研究欧美对中国的倾销现状以及措施,就可以更好的抵御欧美的倾销,保护本国的贸易。