关键词:产业内贸易 东亚经济体 G-L指数
ABSTRACT:In this paper, GL intra-industry trade index for 2001-2012 in China and East Asia eight major economies the level of intra-industry trade statistics and analysis, elaborated China and Japan and South Korea, ASEAN countries, Hong Kong's intra-industry trade status quo. Statistics showed that China and Japan and South Korea has gradually increased the level of intra-industry trade, but China and ASEAN Five intra-industry trade levels are declining characteristics, and pointed out the economies of scale, product diversification, consumer preferences, differences in per capita income , factor endowment comparative advantage and other factors are Chinese and East Asian economies reasons for the formation of intra-industry trade. Finally, based on the impact of China on the establishment of the East Asian economies, the level of intra-industry trade model of influencing factors, put forward the corresponding policy recommendations.
Keywords: East Asian economies, intra-industry trade GL index