关键词:反倾销 反补贴 对策
ABSTRACT:After several rounds of tough of nefotiations.China finally joined the WTO in 2001, between 2001 and 2012, china’s world trade has been added to 3866.7 billions from 509.65 billions. Especially the exporting has been be 2048.93billions. This not only makes our country has become the largest foreign exchange reserves, but also makes China's GDP has overtaken Germany and Japan and other countries to be the second. To 8.26thousand billions. It can be said that accession to the WTO more than ten years, China's foreign trade development is most rapid and successful economic development for some time the most abundant. But , China and other countries trade friction just like the mushroom has been taken out with the development of world trade. Especially anti-dumping , countervailing and is still very severe. China is one of the countries who implement anti-dumping and countervailing, Involving billions of dollars.
This thesis is based on China's entry into the WTO ten years of fair trade,use the theory of economics and trade to Analysis China's WTO anti-dumping and countervailing investigations changes and trends after joining in. Profiling theory of its development, summed up China's way to deal with .
Keywords:Anti-dumping Countervailing Countermeasure