关键词: 经济型酒店;市场定位;品牌构建
Abstract:In this paper, the analysis of China's budget hotels development status. Pointed out that China's budget hotels has strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and challenges facing.To clarify the budget hotels clear awareness of market positioning, market positioning strategy, brand image, establish and build is importance.Discuss the value and meaning of the budget hotel brand,how to build a successful brand and China's budget hotel at this stage to build the brand problems encountered.Through the brand building.Thus to the hotel to succeed.Increase the hotel's own value.The process of construction and implementation of specific budget hotel brands and being there.
Key Words: Budget Hotel; Market positioning; Brand building
根据本文的观点, 现在中国需要发展成功的经济型酒店就必须加强自身的品牌建设。而在品牌建设的过程中阻碍其发展不碍乎是自身的品牌意识不够强,和欠缺培养品牌的耐心等其他原因。所以只要认清现在中国的经济型酒店发展的趋势和所存在的问题,发展具有自己品牌的经济型酒店绝对不是没有可能。确立自己的市场定位策略,认清市场的趋势和需求。加强自身的品牌意识,加强自身的品牌建设,确立自己的品牌构筑,发展自己的品牌效应。按照市场的所需,发展一些市场上没有的服务项目,从而进行差异性的销售策略。根据自己酒店的优缺点,扬长避短,确立品牌。