[摘 要]在新闻受政治因素约束的中国大环境下,外界普遍认为中国新闻是专制的,没有民主。加上我国将新闻定义为党和政府的喉舌,更加加深了这个映像。其实不然,早在20世纪出中国新闻平民化就已经产生,由于当时大环境的约束到20世纪末才能够发展。
[关键词] 微博;平民化;媒介
[Abstract] It is widely considered the Chinese news is a dictatorship and no democracy in the environment which news is constrained by political factors. The image is strengthened Coupled with our definition of news is themouthpiece of the party and government. In fact, as early as in twentieth Century the Chinese journalism has been generated, and developed until the end of twentieth Century because of the environmental constraints.
In the difficult process of medium civilians, the vernacular, newspaper ads , newspaper group appeared and the metropolitan newspaper and news of people's livelihood rised, all of which accelerates the pace of development of the media of civilians.
With the development of science and technology, network technology bring the world together, micro-blog is such a" goods to park". Mcluhan once said:" Media production and use declared that we enter a new era." Micro-blog is different from traditional media in the linear propagation model, also is different from the network media in the network communication model, it presents a novel" split" spread. But the micro-blog as a new thing in China develops only a few years, which is not mature. This paper mainly discusses micro-blog civilian role in the process of medium civilians.
[Key Words] Micro-blog civilians medium