摘要:本文主要基于西方管制基本理论和建设服务型社会新理念。包括对价格、市场进入和退出条件、信用体系建设、行业服务标准控制等经济性管制以及保护消费者的健康和安全等社会性管制;和“以民为本” “有限政府”(权力有限) “依法行政” “高效廉洁”“ 公正平等” “责任信用” “方便国民”等服务型社会新理念。运用调查和分析,主观判断等定性分析的方法。深入分析我国电子商务发展现状。并根据我国当前经济发展特点结合美国对本国电子商务监管措施的借鉴,有针对性地提出了中国工商行政管理监管电子商务的对策。包括:更新观念,积极介入电子商务领域的监管;建立面向电子商务的工商行政管理新体制;建立电子政务信息平台,加强技术保障体系建设;加快立法与培养电子商务人才。
关键字 :电子商务;现状;监管
Abstract:This paper is mainly based on the basic theories of western control and new ideas of building a service-oriented society .And among the two aspects are both the economic regulations, such as :the price, market entry and exit condition, the credit system construction and service standards control, and the social ones as protection of consumer economy control health and safety. Meanwhile, it’s rooted in the service-oriented new national concepts of "people-based”, limited government "(power limited)", administration according to law ", "effective fairness ”and equal "clean" credit "and" convenient .It has also adopted the method of qualitative analysis by doing surveys and analyses as well as the subjective judgment, etc to analyze the development situation of China's e-commerce deeply. According to the current development characteristics of China's economy, and by combining the references about electronic commerce regulation measures offered by the America, it has pertinently put forward the strategies applied by the Chinese commerce administrative supervision to e-commerce. Such as : renewing conceptions, being actively involved in the field of electronic commerce regulation, establishing the e-commerce industry and commerce administration system and an e-government information platform, strengthening the construction of technical guarantee system ,accelerating e-commerce legislation as well as cultivating talents.
KEYWORDS:E-commerce; Situation; Supervision