关键词: :广州 工业旅游 发展战略
Abstract:Industrial tourism is one of bud of tourism, is accompanied by people’s understanding of tourism resources and the expansion of the new concept and new forms of tourism products. Although the overall starts later, but development perspective is wide, be known as" The rising sun " industry. Industrial tourism is not the simple superposition of industry and tourism, it is to make full use of existing factor of production and industrial resources, through the appropriate combination of forms in a new tourism products. For tourists it is a new hotspot For enterprises, it is a new selling point for tourism, it is a new hot spot for the city, it is an a new window. In our country to enter society of overall construction well-off, new-style industrialization and city to change accelerate development background. Industrial tourism has shown the trend of accelerated development, has the huge development potential and bright prospect. Therefore industrial tourism is of great significance. In the face of the Guangzhou tourism industry momentum, it is necessary from the strategic height of development and the theory discussion, let this one newly emerging things long fill do not decline, forever charm.
Key Words:GUANGZHOU Industrial tourism Development strategy
目前我国工业旅游尚处于摸索阶段,存在诸多问题,如市场还未形成,开展工业旅游的企业总体数量少,且各自为政,很少经验交流,工业旅游研究所需的相关数据、资料缺乏,工业旅游的效益与企业主营业务收入相比不显著等。工业旅游活动自身的薄弱在一定程度上增加了工业旅游研究的难度,限制了工业旅游研究的深度,并直接影响到研究成果的普适性与针对性。本文从一定方面对我国工业旅游的发展情况进行了介绍,指出了现阶段存在的各种问题,以具体的事例数据进行了描述,分析问题产生的原因,并在借鉴一定的文献的基础上,表述了作者对于问题的解决措施。 总之,工业旅游作为一项新兴旅游项目在开发过程中需要投入大量工作,不仅需要旅游企业和工业企业的密切配合,还需要加强宣传,增强旅游消费者的认知度。此外,相关政府部门的引导和支持也是必要的。只有多方共同努力,才能推动工业旅游的健康发展。