Since China’s reform and opening up,The chinese family businesses, with increasingly developing and becoming perfect, have made remarkable achievement. Familial management mode, as it were, is playing an ever lasting contribution in private enterprises’ growth and development. It is the only way to the most private enterprises’ development. Family businesses have been becoming one of core force to stimulate China’s economic growth and restructuring. At the same time, it is inevitable that a number of problems have cropped up in developing of China’s family firms, especially in the aspects of human resource management and excitable mechanism. This has also led to many family businesses which died very early in a degree.
In order to solve the Chinese family enterprise human resources management main defects, ensure the sustainable development of the family enterprise, this paper first puts forward the family enterprise human resources management's problems, Such as: human resources development and training of talents and comparing the insufficient attention; The lack of the human resource incentives sex and not the scientific nature; Human resources management in crisis and lack of professional managers; Family enterprises family members "internal" serious,etc. And on this basis, pertinently put forward the sound and solve China's family enterprise human resources management countermeasures and measures, such as: establish human resource planning strategy; It is with the person this, do the training of the staff, improve the staff to ensure system; Implementation of the target management, establish and perfect the employees incentive mechanism; Perfect staffing selection system; Make complete successor planning, training successors,etc.
KEY WORDS: The china family enterprise;human resource management;problem; strategy