关键词:钢材物流 流通加工 高效
ABSTRACT:Distribution processing is an important part of the logistics operation, in the social division of labor production today, has become the inevitable product of social division of labor distribution processing. In today's society, the customer into a variety, small batch demand demand for products, to eliminate the disadvantages of mass production standardization is the circulation processing. The service level of the logistics industry is not high, to respond to diverse needs, processing in circulation are receiving more and more attention, circulation processing to improve the efficiency of logistics operations, create more profits for the logistics enterprises.
In this paper, by analyzing the existing circulation processing of A steel warehousing business problems, suggestions on the processing problem of A steel warehousing enterprise. In order to improve the processing level of service, to meet the personalized needs of customers. To enhance the company's core competitiveness, so that enterprises get more benefit.
Key words: Steel Logistics; Distribution Processing; Efficient