摘 要:本文探讨了YB市A经济开发区物流园区的规划与选址问题。物流园区作为物流业发展中形成的一个高级形式的节点,对物流业的发展起到了重要的推动作用,其在中国的发展也越来越快。作为长江源头的贸易港口城市,YB拥有得天独厚的港口优势,汇聚于三江之口,其水运的潜力无比巨大。本文首先从阐述物流园区与其他物流节点的区别来反映物流园区发展的重要性,然后通过定性与定量相结合的方法求解出需要建设的物流园区的总规模。再然后将内部功能进行模糊聚类,然后分成6个子功能区,再使用SLP方法中提出的缪瑟的线型图法对各功能区进行关系等级分析,最后利用线形图法进行功能区的布局设置。
关键词:物流园区 总规模 功能区布局
ABSTRACT:This article discusses problem of A logistics park planning and site selection in the YB city economic development zone.The logistics park is an advanced form of the nodes in the development of logistics industry,which Plays an important part for the development of the logistics industry to promote,and it’s development is becoming more and more fast In China.YB as a trade port city along the Yangzi river source has a unique port advantage,Assemble the mouth of the Yangzi river,the Min river and the Jinsha river,YB’s water potential is tremendous.Firstly this article form the difference between the logistics park and other logistics nodes to reflect the importance of logistics park development,then through qualitative methods to solve the total scale of construction of logistics park.Third point is to internal functions for fuzzy clustering,And then divided into six function areas,and using SLP method proposed by Samuel of linear to do relation grade analysis of each function diagram.The last ,line graph method is used for the layout of the functional area Settings.
Key words: Logistics park;Total scale;Area layout