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  • 论文格式:Word格式(*.doc)
  • 更新时间:2014-08-07
  • 论文字数:11538
  • 课题出处:(xubanban)提供原创资料
  • 资料包括:完整论文





Abstract:In the marketing economy of China, the situation of information unbalance has been worse, leading to the increase of dealing risks and the gradual prosperity of credit investigation industry. However, there is the inevitable contradiction between personal credit and personal privacy protection. According to the data from People's Bank of China in the end of 2012, in China, 820 million people have been recorded in the system of personal credit investigation besides 290 million people having credit accounts. If the information leaks, the consequences are unthinkable. Because it not only violates the personal privacy right, but also weakens the public trust of credit investigation service. It's gradually important how to protect personal privacy protection in the activities of personal credit. Nevertheless, dating back to the system of credit investigation and relative laws, the personal privacy protection is not satisfied. Under the circumstances, the thesis will use various analysis methods such as comparative analysis method, empirical analysis method and induction to analyse the problems existing in the privacy protection of data of personal credit investigation and combining the current situation of Chinese legislation to give some suggestion to the future credit investigation and relative regulatory about how to protect the privacy right of consumers through comparing and analyzing the relative law of personal privacy protection of credit investigation in other countries.

Keywords: credit investigation; privacy protection; legal suggestion

