关键词:节约里程法 德邦物流 配送模式 线路优化
Abstract: With Deppon logistics company's further expansion and development across China, its rising transportation costs becomes the main obstacle of Deppon's long-term development. Based on the optimization of distribution mode of Deppon as the research object and pointing out that its delivery route selection and distribution mechanisms are lacking of perfect information system and its vehicle scheduling standardization degree is quite not high and its personnel control is quite poor. For so many problems in Deppon's logistics distribution mode, on the premise of considering the distribution center distribution, customer service and vehicle loading capacity,the application of saving mileage method can greatly reduce the application of the vehicle number and vehicle transportation mileage, less pollution, etc., which has a certain reference and using value to other domestic third party logistics integrated service enterprises.
Key words: Save mileage method Deppon logistics the Distribution mode Line optimization