关键词:阿里巴巴 仓储建设 信息系统 物流信息平台 第三方物流
Abstract: The use of third-party logistics has become a choice when enterprises conduct the E-commerce. However, inefficiency logistics, exorbitant costs, above 40% the rate of no commodity in lorry, bad infrastructure, which cause unable to meet the demand of E-commerce like Alibaba. This require a system of synthesized logistics which contain warehousing, distribution, information processing sharing platform and information system. At the same time, breaking the information firewall among each department in different logistics enterprises, the problem of transportation and distribution must be solved, each sides take cooperation may improve the logistics. This article contrary to the problem occur in Alibaba compare with other E-commerce enterprises, conduct the SWOT analysis, and propose the advices about warehouse construction, platform and information system.
Key words: Alibaba warehouse construction information system logistics information platform third party logistics