关键词:农业风险 农业保险 经营模式 可保性
Abstract:Our country is an agricultural hard-hit, natural disasters are multiple countries. In recent 10 years, a year of natural disasters, caused the economic losses of more than 100 billion yuan of above, the affected population of more than 200 people a year. Frequent disasters, greatly affect agricultural production, it is difficult to make its normal, so farmers could fall into poverty, or Chinese. In accordance with the current our country agricultural insurance business model, most general commercial insurance company have no ability to also won't be willing to take big risk of agricultural insurance, let alone under the extreme lack of government financial subsidies. Therefore, the analysis of excellent foreign agricultural insurance development pattern of experience and practice, etc., for our country selected a suitable for the situation of agricultural insurance development pattern is a primary goals.
Key words:Agricultural risk Agricultural insurance Business model Insurable property