关键词:保险代理人 保险营销 问题 保险监管
Abstract:With the development of the insurance industry and industry division of labor specialization so that the insurance intermediary to become an important part of the insurance industry, has also become an important force in the promotion of insurance industry. The insurance agent as an important part in insurance intermediaries play an integral role on the development of China's insurance industry , so the insurance agent system is still the main mode of development of the insurance company. But the insurance agent system in China is still at the primary stage of development,so produced such as moral hazard, serious breach, agent overall quality is not high and so on in the process of its development. In recent years, although these problems has caused the attention of more and more professionals, on the legal and regulatory system also has some achievements, but the realistic condition of insurance agent does not cause change, also no substantive methods to solve these problems. This article through to the understanding of the development of China's insurance agent system to analyze some problems of insurance agent system in our country, and tries to find an effective way to solve the problem, in order to perfect the system of insurance agent in our country.
Key words: Insurance agent Insurance marketing Problem Insurance regulation