摘要:大数据,或称巨量资料,指的是所涉及的资料量规模巨大到无法透过目前主流软件工具,在合理时间内达到撷取、管理、处理、并整理成为帮助企业经营决策更积极目的的资讯。[1 引用自维克托·迈尔-舍恩伯格及肯尼斯·库克耶 《大数据时代》。]1随着近年来互联网科技的大力发展,人们在生活工作中无时不刻会产生大量数据,在这个信息时代里,人们善于分享生活,应用数据也显得尤为重要,数据[2 注释:数据是客观事物的反映和记录,是用以载荷信息的物理符号。]2对现在的信息社会的重要性就好像燃料对工业革命的重要性一样。大数据引发了一个新的时代,各行业、各领域广泛参与其中,不再仅仅局限于研究领域。大数据法着重研究的是与事物相关的所有数据资源,我们要有效利用好数据资料,我们要学会如何从的事物中提炼出对我们有用的信息,每个数据内部都包含着巨大的潜在价值,人们从数据研究中可以获得新的知识,挖掘新的有用价值,大数据科技在未来将会成为决定行业核心竞争力的有力支柱。本文主要介绍了有关大数据科技的基本认知,通过对大数据科技在目前国内金融机构和保险当中运用现状的分析,介绍保险公司如何利用大数据分析客户需求挖掘潜在市场,分析保险行业如何抓住机遇利用大数据实现创新,突破行业瓶颈。
关键词:保险 大数据 精准营销 创新 机遇
Abstract: Large data,or massive data,refers to the amount of data huge to cannot get through the current main stream software tools, to capture, management, processing and finishing, become more active to help business decision-making information within a reasonable time.With the rapid development of Internet technology, we are now in mass production, sharing and application data in the information age, the importance of data on the present information society is just like fuel importance to the industrial revolution. Large data has initiated a new era,all industries and fields, widely involved, is no longer confined to the field of study.Using a large data,we can extract information from all possible things, all of our data and things related research. Each data have hidden a huge potential value, is the source of data for people to obtain new knowledge, to create new value,large data in the future will decide the industry's core competitiveness.This paper mainly introduces the theoretical knowledge of data,the data analysis technology in domestic financial institutions and insurance application status, the insurance company how to use the data analysis of customer needs and tap the potential market,the analysis of the insurance industry how to seize the opportunity to realize the innovation of using a large data, to break through bottlenecks in the industry.
Keywords: insurance Big data Accurate marketing innovation opportunities