关键词:风险 偿付能力 偿付能力监管
Abstract:The insurance industry as a special industry operating risk, whether the solvent, the great significance, safeguard and enhance the solvency of insurance company has become the core content of the insurance supervision. With solvency regulation as the main research object, this paper mainly studies our country insurance company solvency regulation; Then explain the concept of solvency and economic meaning and influence of solvency risk; After introduced the profile of the content of the solvency regulation. Discovered our country insurance company on the solvency regulation calculation method is not scientific, regulatory means incomplete and imperfect information disclosure system. Proposed our country insurance company solvency ratings system; Establish a scientific supervision information system; Perfect the regulation means. Proposed our country should establish the insurance company solvency regulatory rating system, perfecting the accounting standards for insurance construction and strengthen the supervision of the solvency of insurance company internal control system construction; A dynamic regulation and static supervision system.
Key Words:risk solvency solvency supervision